Call for submissions
Project Space
222 E Georgia Street | Vancouver BC | V6A 1Z7 | Hours: Wednesday to Sunday, 1pm to 5pm
Call for Submissions: The New Archive Project by leannej
The New Archive Project
as part of the Wandering Art Metropole Publications and Ephemera Archive: Part 2 (details below)
Exhibition: October 5 to November 17
Opening Reception: October 5 at 8pm (doubles as the Reception for the Vancouver Art/Book Fair)
Closing Party and archive wrap-up: November 18 at 8pm
Deadline: Ongoing from October 5 to November 17
How to submit: You may submit work directly to Project Space, either in person or by mail or email
Project Description
As part of her interaction with the archive in the Wandering Art Metropole Publications and Ephemera Archive: Part 2, leannej invites artists to submit two-dimensional work to The New Archive Project throughout the exhibition (October 5 – November 17). The Wandering Archive features back issues and other materials from FILE Megazine—an art magazine published by Art Metropole from 1972 and 1986—which will be on display at Project Space. Artists are encouraged to reference the history of FILE and the ground-breaking work of General Idea when creating new archive materials and are also asked to consider the role of the archive as a means of cataloguing history. The New Archive materials will be displayed alongside the original archive materials throughout the exhibition. After the Wandering Archive travels to its next location, the new archive will be catalogued and stored in Vancouver.
In 1972, the artist group General Idea launched FILE Megazine, a “cross-Canada art organ, by artists, for artists.” Published from 1972 until1986, FILE approached art publishing with a fun, inclusive, camp sensibility. Unlike the more established art magazines published at the time, FILE did not critique art; instead, the editors approached its content much like a mobile gallery.
FILE took its name from the iconic Life Magazine. This approach—reusing popular and mass cultural themes—was typical of the editors and contributors of FILE. Later calling itself “the alternative to the alternative,” FILE used images and texts from popular and mass culture to make new art. It is in this same spirit that artists are asked to participate in this project. Artists are encouraged to use the FILE archive materials as their source documents to create a new “alternative to the alternative.” This new alternative archive will add yet another layer to the already rich history and legacy of FILE Megazine.
For more information on FILE’s history, see Diedrich Diederichsen’s enlightening article in Artforum.
Artist Bio
leannej’s work is situated between art and writing, editing and curating, the page and the gallery, and print and the web. Her work has been published in books, magazines and anthologies, and has been installed in art galleries and on the web. Her most recent work explores the form of animated and interactive digital narratives. In 2011, she published Re-reading the Riot Act, a co-publication between Unit Pitt Gallery and Publication Studio Vancouver.
The New Archive Project
is part of the Wandering Art Metropole Publications and Ephemera Archive: Part 2
Wandering Art Metropole Publications and Ephemera Archive: Part 2
Artist interactions by leannej and Spoox Audiozine
Support structures by Shane Krepakevich
Exhibition: October 5 – November 17
Opening Reception: October 5 at 8pm (doubles as the Reception for the Vancouver Art/Book Fair)
The Wandering Art Metropole Publications and Ephemera Archive project, co-produced by Project Space and Art Metropole, will bring a selection of Art Metropole’s archive to Vancouver from October 5 to November 17. Materials will be displayed on support structures created by artist Shane Krepakevich. Vancouver-based artists leannej and Spoox Audiozine will interact with the archive, revealing new interpretations and understandings of the materials.
For more information about The New Archive Project:
leannej |