The Authenticator

Video by Leannej for Open Space gallery 2008

This short text-based film was made for the “We Are Not Alone” group show at Open Space Gallery in Victoria in 2008. The texts combine fictional and real accounts of alien abduction. The show was curated by the much-mourned and much-missed Jo Cook.

We Are Not Alone: New Work in Collaborative Fiction

Dates: May 17 to June 18, 2008

we are not alone: New Work in Collaborative Fiction was a multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach to installation that was evocative rather than instructive. Six artists, Emily Goodden, Susan Hawkins, leannej, Wesley Mulvin, my name is scot, and Frances Zorn created a space to accommodate shifting relationships between diverse works where the non-linear, non-unified nature of experience was acknowledged. Whether as a fragment or a fully-formed story, narrative was inherent in the configuration of sculpture, music, text, and still and moving images the artists presented.