ReReading the Riot Act II-Performance Cabaret
Wednesday, June 15 ยท 8:00pm – 11:00pm
An an ongoing interrogation of the historical events of April 23, 1935 — when Mayor Gerry McGeer read the Riot Act to the relief camp protesters, their families and supporters gathered at Victory Square — Rereading the Riot Act_ Performance Art Cabaret offers contemporary responses to Vancouver’s turbulent labour history.
Four performance/visual artists — leannej, My Name Is Scot, Carol Sawyer and Lori Weidenhammer — will pre…sent new works. The works are expanded responses to both the events of April 23, 1935 and the reenactment event that took place in Vancouver on April 23rd 2011.
The Cabaret will feature film, performances, music, video projections and a sculptural installation by Jeremy Isao Speier.
Rereading the Riot Act intends to provoke an emotional, politicized engagement with civic space and how or whether we want to narrate (back) to it.
Rereading the Riot Act is curated by Anakana Schofield through a UNIT/PITT curatorial residency project.