Join us for a book launch

July 30 – book launch from 2 to 4 pm:

“Re-reading the Riot Act” a new book by leannej (the first in a series of Rereading The Riot Act books, co-published by Publication Studio and UNIT/PITT)

“Natural Progress” by Kate Noble, a new edition of “A User’s Guide to Demanding the Impossible” by the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination.

UNIT/PITT Projects welcomes Publication Studio for a storefront residency in our project space at 15 East Pender Street from July 16 to August 20, 2011.

Publication Studio will be producing books from 12am-5pm, Wednesday through Saturday. The public is welcome to stop by anytime to bring in projects for printing and binding, browse our titles or just to talk about books.

Books make friends! Spend your Saturday afternoons with Publication Studio, or visit us during the week for freshly made books!

*Rebound Party: Bring your favorite old paperback with disintegrating covers and spine, and Publication Studio will re-bind your book in your own homemade cover. Materials for a new cover will be provided, or you are welcome to bring your own. A small service fee will apply.

August 6 – Rebound Party from 12 to 5pm

August 13 – book launch: “I Look Up, Volume 2” by Mina Totino from 2 to 4 pm

Please consult for complete details, and announcements of additional events during the residency.


Publication Studio is an experiment in sustainable publication that prints and binds books on demand, creating original work with artists and writers. Publication Studio is a laboratory for publication—not just the production of books, but the production of a public. This public, which is more than a market, is created through deliberate acts, the circulation of texts, discussions, and gatherings in physical space, and the maintenance of a digital commons. Please visit for more detailed information.

One comment on “Join us for a book launch”

  1. s.lion says:

    Smartly designed and beautifully written; very tasty work!

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